dia beci gw benci dia

kata orang sosok ibu adalah orang yang menomor satukan seorang anaknya. tapi, itu semua bullshit bagi gw. keadaannya malah sebaliknya, bohong, penipu itu semua dalam pikiran gw sekarang. gw milih mati daripada gw terus yang dislahin dan dibentakin seolah-olah gw nggak boleh ngapa-ngapain.

bullshit, fakers, lier!!

untuk dia yang ada disana

When I see you at the first time. There is something strange in you. People can't feel it but i can. Time pass by and i closer to you. Things that you hide away still mysterious i don't care waht it is. You make me different from what you're doing how you talked to me. It's different. Slowly, i think i'm falling in love with you. Oh this feelings are so amazing and unstopable. Now, you were gone fly fly fly so high and i can't reach you. Gosh why it's happening to me. For him i promise i will wait you here the place where you and i belong.

for: dia...
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