
Dexter is an American television drama series that airs on Showtime. It debuted on October 1, 2006, and filming has begun on the fifth season, due to begin airing on September 26, 2010. Set in Miami, the show centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a blood spatter-pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department, who moonlights as a serial killer. The show's first season was loosely based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, the first of his series of Dexter novels. Subsequent seasons have evolved independently of Lindsay's works. It was adapted for television by screenwriter James Manos, Jr., who wrote the pilot episode.

Dexter operates his killing around "The Code of Harry", a body of ethics and procedures devised by his adoptive father Harry (who was a Miami cop) to make sure Dexter never gets caught and ensure that Dexter only kills other killers. Harry also trained Dexter in how to interact convincingly with other people, despite being a psychopath, since the murder of his biological mother, Laura Moser, did in fact turn Dexter into a serial killer. As an adult, Dexter has largely escaped suspicion (with some exceptions) by being genial and generous and maintaining generally superficial relationships. However, his attachment to his sister Deb, his significant other Rita, his stepchildren and (later) his biological son have all complicated his duplicitous lifestyle while making him question his need to kill.

In February 2008, edited reruns began to air on CBS. The series has enjoyed wide critical acclaim and popularity. Season 4 aired its season finale on December 13, 2009 to a record-breaking audience of 2.6 million viewers, making it the most-watched original series episode ever on Showtime. Michael C. Hall has won several awards for his portrayal of Dexter, including a Golden Globe.

bugemm ooh bugemm

dimulai lagi BUGEMM PERIOD 3. *jeng jeng jeng
laaah, belum ada ilham mau konsul judul apa.
untung-untung pembina nih SIR USMAN SAHAB. *abi nya galaksi
hahaha :D
jangan aja kea bugemm puteran kemaren.
tobat ampun dem.
semoga BUGEMM kali ini bagus semua PENGUJI sm PEMBIMBING.

The Hard Times of RJ Berger

The Hard Times of RJ Berger is an American television comedy series created by David Katzenberg and Seth Grahame-Smith for MTV. The show's central character is RJ Berger (Paul Iacono), an unpopular sophomore at the fictional Pinkerton High School in Ohio. Berger's two best friends are Miles Jenner (Jareb Dauplaise), whose ambitions for popularity cause him to clash with Berger, and Lily Miran (Kara Taitz), who has been lusting after Berger for several years. Berger's love interest is Jenny Swanson (Amber Lancaster), a "girl next door" who is involved with Max Owens (Jayson Blair), a popular jock and bully. The show is presented as a coming of age story and has been described by Katzenberg and Grahame-Smith as a blend of the television series The Wonder Years and the film Superbad. The pilot episode premiered on June 6, 2010, and the first season of 12 episodes concluded August 23, 2010. MTV renewed the series for a second season to air in 2011.


i beg please

god please don't make this come true.
you know how many tears will spread out.
don't make this difficult god.
enough for all this pain that come toward me.
please just enough.
i don't want we split out.
i beg you please don't make me cry anymore.


bubar KGB

Kak Arif Hidayat, Kak Prayoga Seto dan Kak Almas Maris, makasih udah mau dateng.
Kehadiran wajah-wajah kalian nggak bisa terlupakan biar kakak-kakak udah lulus.
Thanks for Edo (adeknya Ade) sebagai tuan rumah yang mau meminjamkan rumahnya sebagai tempat kita melaksanakan acara BUBAR KGB.
Terima kasih juga disampaikan untuk Kak Evan, Kak Lambang, Kak Diah, Kak Nick, Kak Ican, Kak Acong dan Kak Aldy, maaf ya kak kalau kami ngasih undangan dan acara dadakan.
Terima kasih juga buat senior angkatan XIII *GALAKSI yang udah mau dateng jauh-jauh, moga KGB tetep kompak selalu *amin
Dan yang nggak kalah penting terima kasih kepada junior KGB angkatan XIV, kehadiran kalian sangat berarti disini.
Acara ini kita laksanakan sama-sama untuk kita sendiri semoga menambah ikatan tali silahturahmi kita.



bubar xege

yee, hari ini gw bubar sama anak xege.
acaranya diadain di kolam pemancingan di makrayu.
tapi sebelum itu ngumpul di SPBU Rumah Sakit Siti Khodijah.
hahaha :D
hope this year will be more fun than last year.

semangat ayu, kika, deeda :D

hahaha :D
foto ini diambil pada saat hari sabtu tanggal 14 Agustus 2010.
dimana terlihat kika, deeda dan ayu yang tampak sibuk dengan karyanya.
hahaha :D
proses pembuatan diary gw dong.
sedang gw lagi asyik membaca novel.
sabar ya kalian, semangat ngerjain tuh buku.
yang bagus looo.
terlihat tampak antusiasme yang disebarkan oleh mereka.
lucu juga hasilnya.
thanks ya.


karena kita teman

teman, seorang yang dimana membantu kita dikala suka dan duka.
bagiku dialah lampu penerang dikala malam datang.
dikala siang ia adalah peta dalam menunjukkan jalan.

teman, seorang dimana kita berbagi tangis dan canda.
ketika aku terluka ia siap meminjam bahunya dan menghapus air mata kita.
ketika ia terluka aku siap meminjamkan bahuku dan mengusap air mata di pipinya.

teman, seorang yang menuntunku keluar dari jalan yang berliku dan tak berhujung.
ketika kau pergi, kau takkan sendiri.
ada orang yang mengiringimu dari belakang dan memberi semangat.
ia akan membantu kita ketika kita tersesat.
dan aku pun membantunya ketika ia berjalan.

aku sayang dirimu, teman....

angels cry :(

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground

I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me

But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone

We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye

'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry

Mariah & Ne-Yo:
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

Oh babe, the angels cry

terasa beda sekarang

sekarang dia udah sibuk.
ya nggak apa sih.
tapi kadang aja rasa sayang dia berkurang buat gw.
gw harap juga nggak berubah.
selama ini gw sayang sama dia.
dia juga sayang sama gw.
gw ngerasa sedih kalau gw mau cerita dianya nggak ngerespon.
kadang gw nangis sendiri, tiba-tiba aja nangisnya.
gw selalu berdoa moga gw nggak pisah dari dia.
karena dia berarti buat gw.

ospek oh ospek

kesian ya, anak kuliahan udah mulai ospeknya.
ternyata ospek itu nggak enak sama sekali.
ya hampir sama lah kea LATDIS DAN MOS.
untung aja masih dua tahun lagi.

sabar ya abang.
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